Law Suit Info
HOT NEWSContact these folks and help them with their lawsuit. We can sue together!!!!Man accuses ASU police of racial profiling The guy who is suing is John Batchan III. The reporter who wrote it is Gary Grado - (602) 258-1746 Use this in my lawsuit. this guy was also falsely arrested for tresspassing in the MU Used this in my lawsuit too. They did the same thing to this guy. Hey asshole. I'm an ASU pig and your trespassing on the campus. Here is a map. Read it well because if I or any other ASU cop ever sees you on the campus you will be arrested. Also use these two false arrests for tresspassing in my lawsuit. I have had some trouble serving him but i think i can serve him at one of these addresses. Who can serve Larry Fuchtman with the lawsuit for me? How do you serve Larry Fuchtman with the lawsuit?
Arizona State University Police don't Respect U.S. Constitutionsome legal help from down south legal_help.html
When can you be forced to give out your ss number legal_help.html
How crooked cop Larry Fuchtman violated my civil rightsOn Tuesday June 10, 2003 at about 6:00 p.m. to 6:05 p.m. I had my civil right violated again by another crooked cop at ASU or Arizona State University.The crooked pigs name was and his badge number is 560. time 6:00 - 6:05 pm crooked cop larry fuchtman - badge 560 in front of noble science library Letters Sent and Received about this case me = We are using this email address to send some questions about the legality of doing things at ASU sandy_beach@1stcounsel.comSandy Beach letters my notes of the arrest my_notes2.html my_notes.html A copy of the lawsuit in word format that will be filed in the Phoenix Federal Court suing Arizona State University Police Officer Larry Fuchtman for Civil Rights Violations per U.S.C. 42 § 1983. The lawsuit is on lets kick some cop ass Larry Fuchtman Civil Rights Violator on Wheels
ASU is PUBLIC Property
ASU is PUBLIC PropertyASU Libraries are PUBLIC propertyASU Art Museum is PUBLIC property ASU libraries open to the public (execpt for HOMELESS people
ASU Contacts and AddressesContacts at ASUContacts at the Phoenix Federal Court Media Contacts Books to do legal research with Books on how to do discovery
1This is the current case number. EHC stands for Judge Earl H Carroll
2This is the orginal case number. It was renamed when the judge was switched.
VAM stands for the judge V? A? M?
Other police officers I am suing for Civil Rights Violatins: Other Stuff Alan Korwin on Civil Rights Laws |
Want to sue the police for civil rights violations?
Here is a copy of the lawsuit in Microsoft word format that I have used to sue the Tempe Police, ASU Police and Arizona Department of Public Safety. John Wilde a para-legal with the Phoenix Libertarian Party wrote the original copy of it. |